Ongoing Projects
- HYPERSONIC EIC Pathfinder Open "High mobilitY Printed nEtwoRks of 2D Semiconductors for advanced electrONICs", 2024–2028 (as Coordinator)
- ADAPTATION EIC Pathfinder Open "Adaptable bio-inspired polariton-polariton energy management", 2024–2028 (as PI)
- 2D-PRINTABLE Research and Innovation Action "Developing New 2D Materials and Heterostructures for Printed Digital Devices", 2023–2026 (as PI)
- GREENCAP Research and Innovation Action "Graphene, MXene and ionic liquid-based sustainable supercapacitor", 2023–2025 (as PI)
- MULTISPIN FLAG-ERA "Molecular engineering of layered magnetic materials: towards multifunctional spintronic devices", 2022–2025 (as PI)
Completed Projects
- T2DMOF MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship "Towards High-Performance Thermoelectric Generators based on Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal–Organic Frameworks", 2023–2024 (as Supervisor)
- SUPRA2DMAT ERC Advanced Grant "Supramolecular engineering of multifunctional systems and devices: the molecular approach to 2D materials", 2019–2024 (as PI)
- PROSPECT FLAG-ERA "PatteRned cOatings based on 2D materials benzoxazine reSin hybrids for broad range Pressure detECTion", 2020–2024 (as PI)
- MS2DCOFO MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship "Multiswitchable Two-dimensional Covalent Organic Framework-based Optoelectronics", 2023–2024 (as Supervisor)
- ULTIMATE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action", 2019–2024 (as Coordinator)
- LA2DCOFS Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship "Light-Addressable 2D Covalent-Organic Framework Semiconductors", 2022–2023 (as Supervisor)
- UHMob Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors", 2019–2023 (as PI)
- Graphene Core 3 FET Flagship, 2020–2023 (as PI and Work Package Deputy Leader)
- BORGES Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS", 2019–2023 (as PI)
- SOCIO USIAS Fellowship "2D materialS-based cementitiOus Composites for multifunctional cIvil engineering applicatiOns", 2020–2022 (as PI)
- DecoChrom Innovation Action "Decorative Applications for Self-Organized Molecular Electrochromic Systems", 2018–2022 (as PI)
- MX-OSMOPED FLAG-ERA "MXene–organic semiconductor blends for high-mobility printed organic electronic devices", 2018–2022 (as PI)
- AMI EuroNanoMed III "Antidrug-antibody and drug Molecular detection in Inflammatory diseases with organic electronics platform", 2018–2021 (as PI)
- GRAPHEME ERC Proof of Concept Grant "Graphene and related materials membranes for efficient removal of toxic cations from water", 2020–2021 (as PI)
- STELLAR Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship "multireSponsive hybrid Transition mEtaL dichaLcogenides-bAsed optoelectRonics – A European Fellowship for career development", 2018–2020 (as Supervisor)
- Graphene Core 2 FET Flagship, 2018–2020 (as PI, Work Package Deputy Leader and Spearhead Project Coordinator)
- SYNCHRONICS Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action", 2015–2019 (as PI)
- FlexNanoOLED ERC Proof of Concept Grant "ITO-free multi-coloured nanoscale engineered OLEDs for large-area flexible lighting and full-colour active-matrix displays", 2017–2019 (as PI)
- iSwitch Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network "Integrated self-assembled SWITCHable systems and materials: towards responsive organic electronics – a multi-site innovative training action", 2015–2018 (as Coordinator)
- MODIGLIANI M-ERA.NET "Modelling Photoswitchable Organic-Graphene Hybrids", 2015–2018 (as PI)
- MULTI2DSWITCH Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship "MULTIfunctional optoelectronic devices based on hybrid heterostructures of 2D materials and photochromic SWITCHes", 2016–2018 (as Supervisor)
- Graphene Core 1 FET Flagship, 2016–2018 (as PI and Work Package Deputy Leader)
- SACS NMP-STREP "Self-Assembly in Confined Space", 2012–2016 (as co-PI)
- MOLARNET ICT-STREP "Molecular Architectures for QCA-inspired Boolean Networks", 2012–2016 (as PI)
- GALACTIC Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "Graphene bAsed switchabLe mAterials - towards responsive eleCTronICs: An Intra-European Fellowship for career development", 2014–2016 (as Supervisor)
- Graphene FET Flagship, 2013–2016 (as PI)
- SUPRAFUNCTION ERC Starting Grant "Supramolecular materials for organic electronics: unravelling the architecture vs. function relationship", 2011–2016 (as PI)
- UPGRADE FET-Open "bottom-UP blueprinting GRAphene baseD Electronics", 2013–2016 (Coordinator: Dr. Emanuele Orgiu)
- MULTITUDES Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "MULTIfuncTional organic electronics throUgh nanoscale controlleD bottom-up tailoring of interfacES: an intra-european fellowship for career development", 2013–2015 (as Supervisor)
- GENIUS Marie Curie Initial Training Network "GraphenE-orgaNIc hybrid architectures for organic electronics: a mUlti-Site initial training action", 2010–2014 (as PI)
- RESPONSIVE Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "Responsive Field-Effect Transistors: A Life-Long Training Career Development action", 2013–2014 (as Supervisor)
- GREAT Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "GRaphene supramolEculAr elecTronics: a life-long training Career development project", 2012–2014 (as Supervisor)
- SUPERIOR Marie Curie Initial Training Network "SUPramolEculaR functional nanoscale architectures for Organic electronics: a multi-site initial tRaining action", 2009–2013 (as Coordinator)
- SENSORS NanoSci-ERA "SEmicoNducting SupramOlecular nanoscale wiRes and field-effect TransistorS", 2009–2012 (as Coordinator)
- COST Action MP0802 "Self-assembled guanosine structures for molecular electronic devices", 2009–2012 (as PI)
- ONE-P NMP-IP "Organic Nanomaterials for Electronics and Photonics", 2009–2011 (as PI)
- OPTSUFET Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "OPtically Tuneable SUpramolecular Field-Effect Transistors: a life-long training and career development action", 2009–2011 (as Supervisor)
- HESPERUS Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship "Hierarchical self-assembly of electroactive supramolecular systems on pre-patterned surfaces: multifunctional architectures for organic FETs", 2008–2010 (as Supervisor)
- SUPRAMATES ESF-SONS 2 "SUPRAmolecular MATerials for new functional StructurES", 2007–2010 (as Coordinator)
- THREADMILL Marie Curie Research Training Network "THREADed Molecular wIres as supramoLecularly engineered muLtifunctional Materials", 2006–2010 (as PI)
- PRAIRIES Marie Curie Research Training Network "suPRAmolecular hIeraRchIcal self-assembly of organic molecules onto surfaces towards bottom-up nanodevicES: a host-driven action", 2006–2010 (as PI)
- SURCONFOLD ERA-Chemisty "Hierarchical self-assembly based on SURface-CONfined FOLDamers: a bottom-up approach to nanopatterning", 2006–2008 (as PI)
- FORCE-TOOL NMP-STREP "Multipurpose force tool for quantitative nanoscale analysis and manipulation of biomolecular, polymeric and heterogeneous materials", 2005–2008 (as co-PI)
- SUPER Marie Curie Early Stage Training "SUPramolecular dEvices at suRfaces", 2004–2008 (as PI and co-Coordinator)
- SUPER Bilateral Project CNR-CNRS "SUPramolecular dEvices at suRfaces", 2004–2005 (as PI)
- BIONICS ESF-SONS "BIo-Organics NanostructurIng for molecular electroniCS", 2003–2006 (as PI)